# Centrifuge Lab Grants/RFPs/Bounties This document lists the different options to receive grants, work on bounties, or submit RFP responses to Centrifuge's dev fund. If you want to contribute to Centrifuge, this is a great place to start. ## Where to find things to do? ### Requests for Proposals Currently these RFPs are open: - [Centrifuge Chain Faucet](https://github.com/centrifuge/centrifuge-chain/issues/103) - [Centrifuge Chain Block Explorer](https://github.com/centrifuge/centrifuge-chain/issues/100) - [Generalized Message Bridge from Substrate to Ethereum](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RO66Jvt0f0aNXHtVp5T49AMBGS61Y6eaiBtCrVHhyQg/edit) ### Bounties & Open Issues Already funded bounties are available on [Gitcoin](https://gitcoin.co/explorer?network=mainnet&idx_status=open&applicants=ALL&keywords=centrifuge&order_by=-web3_created). The issues in [Centrifuge's Github repositories](https://github.com/centrifuge) are tagged with labels such as "bounty_candidate", "bounty", and "help_wanted". Have a look at the different repositories at https://github.com/centrifuge. For example in our p2p client [go-centrifuge](https://github.com/centrifuge/go-centrifuge/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Abounty-candidate) or the substrate-based [Centrifuge Chain](https://github.com/centrifuge/centrifuge-chain/labels/bounty). If you have a proposal for a new feature or any kind of work that is currently not listed, feel free to create a new issue on Github or join us on our [community Slack](https://centrifuge.io/slack) for discussion. In the future, we might have a common collection of all the grant requests, bounties, etc on a platform like Discourse. For now, we keep it low-tech to see which process emerges as the best one for us, true to our guideline "have the least amount of process possible at any time".